3 women with their hands in the air

Happiness is a State of Mind

You’ve seen people stay positive and happy while going through tragic situations. You’ve seen images from around the world of people with absolutely nothing, yet they are smiling and laughing.

Have you ever wondered how these people can be happy despite everything that’s happening to them and those they love?

It’s because they choose to be happy.

According to Marcus Aurelius, “Happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts.” Scientists have been studying happiness for a long time and there is a consensus that Marcus’s view is correct.

So, instead of asking why these people are happy, you should be asking yourself, how you too can be happy, no matter the circumstances.

Here are some ways to help you find more happiness.

Take Control

If something is making you unhappy and you have the power to change it. Do it now. Don’t give it more time to drag you down. Start taking action to address the issue and fix it.

If you’re unhappy with a situation or a person and you have no way to change it, ask yourself if you really need it in your life. Sometimes you have to let go in order to be happy.

Find a Solution

If there’s a problem, there is a solution. You may not have the power to fix the problem, but someone does. Find the solution and implement it. Remember, sometimes the solution is acceptance. This is especially true if the real solution requires someone else to accomplish it. Accept that you need help and ask for it. Your happiness is worth it.

A problem and it’s solution are two different frequencies. Focus on finding a solution and meditate, focusing on the desired outcome.

Don’t Fake It

It’s never a good idea to hide your true feelings and fake happiness. Being happy doesn’t mean you’re void of other emotions. It means being content and in charge of as much of your life as possible.

Live Without Expectations

One of the biggest killers of happiness is expectations. When you make decisions and do things without expecting something in return, you give yourself the freedom to make choices based on what you want rather than what others say you should want. You take control of your decisions. You reduce the chances of feeling anger or disappointment in the expected outcome. You allow yourself to live in the moment and enjoy life.

If you’re still not convinced, look around the world. You’ll see many people who have much less than you and yet are still happy. It may seem they have no real reason to be happy and yet they are. You too can be happy. You just need to set your mind to it. Work each day to feel gratitude. Take control of what you can and don’t worry about what you cannot. Enjoy the life you’ve been given.

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