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Simple Steps to Reprogram your mind

It is a known fact that our minds, more specifically our subconscious minds, control our lives. We are what we think or believe. Research has shown that there is a mind-body connection and that the mind can help us overcome health problems.
There are many ways to reprogram your mind: NLP, hypnosis, visualization, EFT, affirmations and meditation. The method you choose will depend on your mind-set and budget.
You may feel able to make positive changes on your own with a little knowledge and some resources. You can find a ton of information online or by going to your local library.
If you need help then there are hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners, and coaches that can be hired to work with you.
Whichever route you choose one element that is crucial is your attitude. For any method to be successful in creating change in the subconscious you have to want the change and to believe totally in its success. You cannot succeed without this belief. A belief is defined as a thought that you keep thinking. To change your beliefs, change what you think.
While every method is different there are three steps that each uses to reprogram your mind.
To achieve relaxation you have to take your brain to Alpha level. This is the level where you are able to ‘speak’ directly with the subconscious. Alpha level brainwaves are experienced first thing in the morning as you first awaken and last thing at night just before you go to sleep. In Alpha level you are awake (conscious) and aware of your surroundings but your subconscious is fully alert and you are most responsive to learning and accepting new ideas.
You can achieve Alpha level by practicing relaxation techniques.
Picture your goal as an image or movie with you ‘in the moment’. It must be in the present so you must be living it. Use all of your senses to make it as real as possible. Tell a story and if you can add some humor even better. Your subconscious loves stories and it loves humor. By fully engaging your senses it becomes more real. Make the scenes really bright and colorful. Hear the sounds, Feel the emotions. Touch and taste things.

When visualizing always answer these questions:

  • What can you see?
  • What can you hear?
  • What can you feel? (Physical touch as well as emotions.)
  • What can you smell?
  • What can you taste?

While visualizing yourself living your goal it is also important to affirm this. You can either say your affirmations out loud or just think them. To make them even more powerful and effective you can write them down and display them wherever you will see them regularly throughout your day. You can also record yourself saying them out loud and listen to them first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Affirmations must be:

  • In the present tense.
  • Said with positive conviction. (You must believe in what you are saying.)
  • Include emotion.

For example: I am giving a presentation to my department and superiors. I am standing at the front of the room. I feel confident and calm. I am speaking with conviction. I know my topic. My presentation is interesting and fun to give. The audience are listening intently. They are smiling and nodding their heads as I speak. My voice is confident and easy to hear, even at the back of the room. I am standing tall wearing my favorite navy suit. I feel smart.
You can visualize yourself in different situations being confident and capable, for example. There’s no wrong way to do this, and it takes as little as 5-10 minutes a day to activate the part of your brain that creates your reality.

You can incorporate visualizations into your meditation practice, journal them or even make a vision board with the things you experience during visualization.

Knowing these three simple steps can help you successfully program your mind for positive change.

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