Doomscrolling Breakthrough


Do you have a doomscrolling habit? Are you constantly checking your social media accounts for the latest bad news and doom and gloom? Doomscrolling is a relatively new term used to describe a negative habit that has intensified with the introduction of smartphones and social media.

People are spending a lot of time each day reading about the latest spread of disease, the state of the economy in their country, natural disasters, global warming, the threat of wars, murders and other crimes and more.

There are so many things that can provide you with a negative experience these days. Every day in the news there are reports of the latest gun-free zone shootings in the United States and the seemingly uncontrollable spread of viruses. If you want to put yourself in a negative state of mind then there is plenty of information available for you to do this.

The reporting of bad news is not a not thing of course. Before the Internet and social media there was bad news being reported on the television news and in newspapers (this is still going on today).

Constantly reading and listening to these bad news reports is not good for your mental health. But it is a habit that you can break.

In this special report we will take a deep dive into doomscrolling (sometimes called “doomsurfing”) and how it can negatively impact your state of mind. Then we will reveal what you can do to overcome this negative habit and replace it with empowering habits. These empowering habits will transform your life for the better. 


You probably don’t realize this but your brain is continually scanning everything around you to detect any potential dangers. In terms of priority, threats to your survival are at the top of the list and your brain sees this as more important than anything else.

Of course, this is a good thing because we all want to survive. But the problem is that the vast majority of the time we are not in any danger butour brains will always make us focus more on negative stories than positive ones.

We are always looking for more answers when it comes to our safety and security. If we cannot find the answers that we need, or there is conflicting information, we have to find better answers and so we continue to look for bad news.

Before long you find yourself scrolling through your social media accounts looking for any kind of bad news. You have entered into a negativity cycle and this is affecting your happiness. Are there people in your life that always seem to be negative? Of course, there are – they are everywhere and doomscrolling can be partly or totally to blame.

Our ancient ancestors were always on the lookout for bad news. They wanted to know if predators were near which would be a major threat to them. This information was more important to them than sources of food or fresh water.

It is not going to be easy for you to break your doomscrolling habit but it is certainly possible for you to do it. These days, everyone has a smartphone and it is all too easy to quickly check what is happening on social media and consume all of the bad news you could ever want with different news apps and websites.

But don’t let this make you believe that it is not possible for you to break your doomscrolling habit. You will see in this special report that there are more positive things that you can do to replace your doomscrolling habit. These new things will change your life for the better and will provide you with a much more positive outlook on life.

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