Breaking the chains of Your past
One of the greatest challenges people face is breaking free from the chains of their past. By facing your past head-on, you remove the power it holds over your present moment and the future.
One of the greatest challenges people face is breaking free from the chains of their past. By facing your past head-on, you remove the power it holds over your present moment and the future.
Early beliefs, though deeply ingrained, can be transformed. It’s time to build a new identity.Don’t fix a faulty identity. Just shift to a new one. This is the real power of identity shifting.
Limiting beliefs are the negative messages about your ability or your characteristics often imprinted from your childhood. This continuous loop of ‘no you can’t’ becomes a pattern of self-sabotage that blocks you from achieving your dreams.
To help increase your well-being and nourish your soul, we rounded up these 10 easy things you can do each day. Look through them and see which ones make you feel inspired to take that first step and get started.
While every method is different, there are three steps that each uses to reprogram your mind.
It’s up to you to put a stop to it. You have to take actionable steps to challenge your negative thoughts. Practice having a more positive mindset to counteract your negative ones. With time, you’ll be able to cultivate self-awareness, boost your confidence, and improve your mood