Quick Ways to Relieve Your Anxiety
The horrible thing about anxiety is that the very feeling makes you even more anxious. It tends to create a feedback loop that can leave you feeling helpless and trapped, which leads to you feeling even worse. If you suffer from anxiety often, here are some quick ways that you can start to relieve your anxiety.

Make Yourself Comfortable
The first thing that you need to do when you are experiencing anxiety symptoms is to make yourself as comfortable as you can while the feeling passes. It is important to remember that your anxiety will pass, so you need to try and concentrate on making yourself comfortable, both emotionally and physically.
Use Calming Self Talk
If you’re like most people who suffer from anxiety, much of what you say to yourself when you are experiencing anxiety actually causes you to become even more anxious. To help relieve your anxiety instantly, tell yourself calming phrases like, “this feeling will pass,” or “I am feeling anxious now, but soon I’ll be calm.”
Acknowledge and Accept Your Anxious Thoughts
When you fight the anxiety, you are only making it stronger. On the other hand, when you can accept that you are feeling anxious can help make the anxiety go away. Facing your fears is a great way to get relief from your concern quickly. You can try this powerful anxiety treatment strategy to learn how to accept your anxious thoughts.
For ten minutes, make yourself as anxious as possible. Try to get your anxiety to increase to the highest level that you can handle. When your anxiety level reaches a ten, try to keep it there for at least five minutes. You will probably find that you can’t keep your anxiety at a high level. This kind of exposure technique has you facing your fears to the point where they vanish.
Distract Yourself
An effective way to put your mind at ease and relieve anxiety is to distract yourself from the thoughts that are causing your symptoms. It is tough for your mind to focus on more than one thing at a time. If you find something that you can focus intently on, your mind won’t be able to maintain the anxiety for long.
Use Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation exercises and techniques can help to reverse the stress response in your body, which makes relaxation your body’s natural cure for anxiety. Start by using a quick relaxation technique that can help to induce the relaxation response. This will help to counter your body’s stress response and reduce anxiety symptoms.
Dealing with the onslaught of anxiety can be incredibly overwhelming. Using these five techniques can help you quickly relieve your anxiety and get on with your life.
What Else can I do?
For more techniques and solutions to stress and anxiety, download my FREE ebooks here.
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