Lose Weight With Yoga

Lose Weight With Yoga

Yoga has been touted to be a relaxation technique which is able to tone the mind, body and spirit into working harmoniously. Many yoga teachers and fitness experts claim that yoga can lead to successful and lasting weight loss. Any weight loss program is comprised of a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, you have…

Tips for Managing Relationships with Social Anxiety Disorder

Tips for Managing Relationships with Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder can make every aspect of life difficult, from holding down a job to just leaving the house if you’re having a terrible day. And it can have its most painful consequences when it comes to negotiating relationships. When it comes to dealing with colleagues, family, and friends, anxiety can silence you and…

If You Experience These Feelings Dealing with SAD, You Aren’t Alone

If You Experience These Feelings Dealing with SAD, You Aren’t Alone

One of the worst aspects of suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder is the feeling that you are entirely isolated. It can feel as if you are cut off from the world and your inner self. Even worse that you have no control over the bad feelings and that you’re trapped forever in feeling anxious and…