man meditating on beach in front of an unplugged tv

Developing a Strong Mind When Everyone Else is Losing Theirs

People are panicking. They’re stressed and hoarding and panic buying. Get on social media, and everyone and their plumber is going on and on about the COVID-19 pandemic. While the coronavirus is a serious matter and is cause for concern, it’s still no excuse to get sucked into the current whirlwind of fake news, panic…

girl sitting on daisy flowerbed in forest girl sitting on daisy flowerbed in forest
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Using Meditation as a Tool for Manifestation

The Law of Attraction states that like finds like, or that similar things are attracted to each other. If your heart and mind are limited, your universal blessing will be limited too. Manifestation needs to be free of limitations, so you are open to the best of what your heart desires. Meditation helps quiet the parts of your heart and mind that place limits on your success.

Instantly Attract Unexpected Cash

Your 19-Minute “Unexpected Money” Audio MP3

You’re about to INSTANTLY attract big money 🙂 You see, I’d like you to take part in an experiment. I’ve created a special 19-minute audio MP3 for you. Just by listening, it’ll automatically “magnetize” you to attract unexpected money over the next few days. A surprise check in the mail. An unexpected lotto win. A…

GIFT: Your 19-Minute “Money Magnetism” Audio your bank balance

I have a special gift for you 🙂 I’ve prepared a special 19-minute audio MP3 that “reprograms” your brain for wealth. It removes your subconscious money blocks, and installs abundant thought patterns into your brain. In short, it’ll turn you into a money magnet… All you have to do is listen. Oh, and the audio…