group of people meditating

Advanced Meditation Techniques

Advanced meditation techniques are powerful tools that can be used to deepen your practice and enhance the benefits of meditation. They include Vipassana, Transcendental Meditation, Neurofeedback and Kundalini Yoga Meditation. Each technique has its own unique approach, and it’s important to find the one that works for you. Remember that advanced techniques take practice, and it’s important to be patient with yourself and to not get discouraged.

sad asian female touched with hands of people

6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Change Your Life and Stop Worrying

Worry gets in to all the crevices of our lives. We worry about our jobs, our kids, our relationships, money, and a million other things every single day. It’s no wonder we feel like we’re not getting things done the way we’d like.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way. To change your life and stop worrying, ask yourself these quick questions: