Happy Fest

Happy Fest 2020

Thousands have paid up to $248 for the course, and now it is yours to use FREE during six days, beginning on Monday, November 30. During Happy Fest you will hear conversations with some of the happiest people on the planet such as Jack Canfield, Hale Dwoskin, Chunyi Lin, Lisa Nichols, Debbie Rozman, and John Gray.

Man in Lotus Position in a field waving clouds around his head.

Do You Have a Vision of What You Want From Life?

Have you ever felt like you were just wandering throughout life? As though you didn’t have a very clear idea of what you were doing or where you were going. Well that may be because of a lack of vision. Vision is an important part of overall success and achievement. Having a clear and firm…

bad words on lips

Practical Tips to limiting negative lips

Most people have dealt with some sort of negativity their entire lives. Negative experiences start during childhood and continue throughout our adult lives. This is a normal part of life that we all deal with. Too often though, our thoughts become negative as well. Even more troubling is when we start talking to ourselves in…

shadows of a family in green grass

5 Fun Things To Do To Get Your and Your Family’s Mind Off Your Troubles

Here are some ideas for 5 fun things you can do to get your and your family’s mind off your troubles. Comedy movie night with your family. Grab the popcorn, get a hilarious DVD, or find one on your favorite movie streaming service and just laugh. Laughter is a known healer. According to Mayo Clinic,…