Search Results for: Forgiveness

girl holding umbrella on grass field

The Act Of Forgiving Is For You And Not For The Other Person

Forgiveness is powerful. It takes real strength to forgive people and actually take the first step and move on. You may think that holding grudges keeps you alert and keeps your anger raging. It’s better to choose a life of inner peace and tranquility rather than one filled with resentment and constant aggravatio

Happy Fest

Happy Fest 2020

Thousands have paid up to $248 for the course, and now it is yours to use FREE during six days, beginning on Monday, November 30. During Happy Fest you will hear conversations with some of the happiest people on the planet such as Jack Canfield, Hale Dwoskin, Chunyi Lin, Lisa Nichols, Debbie Rozman, and John Gray.

14 Ways to Be More Loving Toward Yourself

What would your life be like if you treated yourself like a dear friend? After all, your attitude towards yourself shapes your daily reality. When you’re kind to yourself, you have more strength and resilience to deal with difficult times. You may even find yourself attracting more affection from others when you love yourself wholeheartedly….